The "Fondazione Claudio Monteverdi" was established in 1971 by the Italian Government. It aims to widen the knowledge of masterpieces of Italian music, mainly in the Renaissance. It publishes the complete scholarly edition of Monteverdi’s works and sponsors historical performances of masterworks such as Monteverdi’s secular and sacred polyphony, vocal and instrumental music up to 19th century, mostly unknown or unpublished (Jommelli, Galuppi, Paisiello, Asioli, Bellini and Verdi). Fondazione Monteverdi’s catalogue is included among the most qualified collections of historical editions.

The Fondazione's pourposes

  • Editing Claudio Monteverdi’s Collected Works (eighteen volumes up to-date)
  • Editing Vincenzo Bellini’s Collected Works (three volumes up to-date)
  • Editing other monumental volumes (see catalogue below)
  • Recording Monteverdi and other Renaissance musicians on CD
  • Performing historical concerts illustrating unknown or unpublished masterworks
  • Organizing international conferences on music history
  • Editing volumes on history of music from Middle Ages to modern era (see catalogue below)
  • Cooperating with similar Institutions worldwide
  • Supplying documents of Monteverdi’s works (a fee is requested)
  • Running lectures, seminars and conferences on Medieval and Renaissance music


The Foundation directly promotes and manages historical concerts of critically revised music. Among the main events are:

  • B. Galuppi, Il filosofo di campagna. Opera in 3 atti (text by C. Goldoni)
  • G. Paisiello, La passione di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo. Oratory in 2 parts (text by P.Metastasio)
  • Claudio Monteverdi, Il Nono Libro dei Madrigali (complete). A wide choice of madrigals, motets and solo music
  • Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Madrigals for 4 voices (complete)
  • Giuseppe Verdi, Messa di Requiem
  • Vincenzo Bellini, I Puritani, Opera in 3 acts. Second edition (Malibran). Text by C. Pepoli