Established by Decree of the President of the Republic No. 1202 of 18 October 1971

Honorary President Sir John Eliot Gardiner

The Fondazione's pourposes

  • Editing Claudio Monteverdi’s Collected Works (eighteen volumes up to-date)
  • Editing Vincenzo Bellini’s Collected Works (three volumes up to-date)
  • Editing other monumental volumes (see catalogue below)
  • Recording Monteverdi and other Renaissance musicians on CD
  • Performing historical concerts illustrating unknown or unpublished masterworks
  • Organizing international conferences on music history
  • Editing volumes on history of music from Middle Ages to modern era (see catalogue below)
  • Cooperating with similar Institutions worldwide
  • Supplying documents of Monteverdi’s works (a fee is requested)
  • Running lectures, seminars and conferences on Medieval and Renaissance music

Musical performances

The Foundation directly promotes and manages historical concerts of critically revised music. 

Among the main events are:

  • B. Galuppi, Il filosofo di campagna. Opera in 3 atti (text by C. Goldoni)
  • G. Paisiello, La passione di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo. Oratory in 2 parts (text by P.Metastasio)
  • Claudio Monteverdi, Il Nono Libro dei Madrigali (complete). A wide choice of madrigals, motets and solo music
  • Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Madrigals for 4 voices (complete)
  • Giuseppe Verdi, Messa di Requiem
  • Vincenzo Bellini, I Puritani, Opera in 3 acts. Second edition (Malibran). Text by C. Pepoli